Independent Living Centers (ILC)
This IL success story is mainly attributable to the unique and practical philosophy which sets Independent Living Centers apart from other approaches to helping people with disabilities: Independent Living Centers are run by and for people with disAbilities.
Programs & Services
New Horizons offers a variety of monthly and special events. You will find information and schedules for all New Horizons’ events and groups happening this month.
Transportation Services
Need to make an appointment? Need a ride to the grocery store? Wherever you need to go, New Horizons can take you. We serve Prescott, Chino, Dewey, Cordes Junction and anywhere in between.
“New Horizons Disability Empowerment Center (NHDEC) will provide information needed to access its programs in ADA Accessible Formats upon request. Examples include, Large Print, Audio, Braille, etc. To make a request for information in an ADA Accessible Format, please call Darlene Golson at (928)772-1266 ext. 101 or email You may also contact
NHDEC through the Minnesota Relay TTY service by dialing 711 or 1-800-627-3529.”
“El Centro de Empoderamiento para Personas con Discapacidades de New Horizons (NHDEC, por sus siglas en inglés) proporcionará la información necesaria para acceder a sus programs en formatos accesibles según la ADA si así lo solicita. Algunos ejemplos son la letra grande, el audio, el braille, etc. Para hacer una solicitud de información en un formato accesible según la ADA, llame a Darlene Golson al (928) 772-1266 ext. 101 o envíe un correo electrónico También puede comunicarse con NHDEC a través del servicio Minnesota Relay TTY marcando 711 o 1-800-627-3529”.
NHDEC Reasonable Modification Statement
New Horizons Disability Empowerment Center (NHDEC) is committed to providing accessible, inclusive services for all customers. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Federal Transit Administration (FTA) guidelines, we will consider and make reasonable modifications to our policies, practices, and procedures, when necessary, to ensure
equal access to our transportation services. To request a reasonable modification, please contact:
Mohave County 928-925-1124
Yavapai County 928-775-8870
For information about reasonable modifications, please click on NHDEC Reasonable Modification Stmt and Info below.
To read New Horizon’s Reasonable Modification Policy, please click on PDF below.
New Horizons began its disability problem solving in 1992 when founded by a handful of volunteers in the Prescott area. They knew they wanted to make a dent in serving the unmet needs of individuals with disabilities.
How You Can Help
Title VI requires that no person in the United States of America shall, on the grounds of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity for which NHDEC receives federal financial assistance. Click here for more information
In compliance with the U.S. Department of Transportation Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 (49 CFR Parts 27, 37, 38 and 39), and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, New Horizons Disability Empowerment Center ensures its services, vehicles, and facilities are accessible to and usable by individuals with disabilities. Anyone who believes he or she has been discriminated against on the basis of disability, including those denied a Reasonable Modification request, may file an ADA complaint. Click here for more information
Donate online at or mail to NHDEC, 9400 East Valley Road, Prescott Valley, AZ 86314
Shop at Fry’s and register your VIP Card using the Fry’s Community Rewards Program online and enter NHDEC’s NPO number TM686. A rebate check will be sent to the charity you support.
Arizona Tax Credit
Under the Arizona Tax Credit Program, Arizona taxpayers can claim a tax credit for cash donations made to New Horizons Disability Empowerment Center and get it back as a dollar-for-dollar state Tax Credit.
The maximum QCO credit donation amount for 2024:
$470 single, married filing separate or head of household; $938 married filing joint.
The maximum QCO credit donation amount for 2025:
$495 single, married filing separate or head of household; $987 married filing joint.
Please Note: Arizona law allows QCO donations made during 2024, or donations made from January 1, 2025 through April 15, 2025 to be claimed on the 2024 Arizona income tax return. The maximum credit that can be claimed on the 2024 Arizona return for donations made to QCO’s is $470 for single, married filing separate or head of household taxpayers, and $938 for married filing joint taxpayers. If a taxpayer makes a QCO donation from January 1, 2025, through April 15, 2025 and wants to claim the
higher 2025 maximum credit amount, the taxpayer will need to claim the credit on the 2025 Arizona return filed in 2026.
The YavaLine Regional Transit System
The YavaLine Regional Transit System (“YAV” for short) is the Town’s first-ever public transportation service. The YAV is kickstarting its service via a shared ride, on-demand service (service that is door to door or corner to corner). To request a trip, you can use our mobile application or if you would like to contact us directly, call 1-866-YAV-TRAN (1-866-928-8726). Our service hours are Monday – Friday, 6am-8pm. Only $2/trip!


How to Become a Good Volunteer
Be dependable. Do what you say you’ll do, and do your best. Don’t show up late, and always keep your promises.
- 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
- 142 Santa Monica, Los Angeles, CA
- May 1, 2017